Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Week After Christmas

The rest of Christmas day was very fun. We ate dinner at the Jarrett's house, and then at 5 we had dinner at the Simons house and at 7 we arte at the Murphy's'. I tell you what; Thanks giving really prepared me for Christmas in the fact that I had tons of room for food! When we got to our last dinner appointment Elder Jacobson turned to me and said he couldn't eat anymore. So we said a little prayer before we went in and asked for the room to eat the meal. The funny part about it was when we left he tells me he was about to burst and I told him that I was a little sad because the Sis Murphy took my plate away before I had seconds  When I told him that all he could do was laugh and try to keep everything he ate down. We did get doggy bags at every house, so now our fridge is full of good food and we didn't have to buy food this week.
My companion and I had to give talks this past Sunday! His topic was "traditions of our Fathers" and mine was "Do you know who you are?" Both based of conference talks from this last one. This whole week Elder Jacobson has been pretty stressed out about it. He said that he couldn't fill 20 minutes and that I would have to make up the rest of the time. This had me nervous because I have never been able to talk to long. I don't know if bishop ever notice when I gave talks, but I shake so bad. But it all went well, he gave a way powerful talk on giving our families traditions of missionary work, and it was 18 minutes long. Then I got up there and talked, and this time I wasn't shaking at all. I was able to give my talk as I had prepared it and got my point across. Which was, if we truly know who we are, and know what we have been given; i.e. the plan of salvation and the real meaning of life, we must share that with everyone because they are all sons and daughters of God. I was pretty stoked about it because I wasn't shaking up on the stand, and that I didn't trip over my words to much. It was a way fun and growing experience for me.
I met with my mission president this past Monday; he told me that I will most likely be transferred in two weeks. I'm looking forward to the growth that will come with it. He also answered some questions that I had and helped with my confidence. His talk in our district meeting helped out as well, it was about having faith to baptize and how we can grow faith. I have some new goals now because of what I learned from him.
Well there's not much to write today. The day after Christmas we went back to doing missionary work, which was kind of slow because not a lot of people where out side. So we rode around trying to find new investigators and people to teach. Nothing to exciting, sorry there is not much to write about.
Mom I asked my President Seal if you could call him and let him know where Tyler will be going when he gets his call and he said that that would be awesome, his number is 4796719578. He will call me after you call him.
I got to go, but I will be writing hand written letters later today, I love you and thank you for your support.

Love your son
Elder David Kelly Conrad

Friday, December 26, 2008

Elder Conrad Calls Home

Kelly called home on Christmas day and spoke to all of the family. It was wonderful to hear his voice and for him to talk to all of his siblings. He was able to call Erin and Skyler in Texas, Megan and Joe were with us, and he called back later to speak with Tyler (who had been working that morning and missed the main call). He is doing very well and loving his time serving the Lord.

He was having Christmas dinner with 3 different families that day. Megan suggested he take a "doggy bag" rather than try to eat it all and go home miserable! He decided to take some tupperware instead! He's still riding his bike, he said it's cold no matter what, so better to just go fast and get there in the cold, than walk and be in it longer. There wasn't any snow, but it was bitter cold when he called.

At the end of the conversation we put him on speaker phone and he bore a fervent testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Christ's mission on the earth, his love for the Lord and the Savior and of the work we have here to do to help all our brothers and sisters know of Christ's mission to bring us home. We then knelt as a family and had a family prayer with Kelly listening in as his father offered the prayer. It was a tender and beautifull moment to bow and pray all together as a family again. It will likely be a very, very long time again before we can do that with so many of us present. Tyler is waiting on his call and will be gone soon.

I will be trying to catch up on back log emails, letters and pictures Kelly has sent to post here, as this has been my first break from school and activities to do any blogging. So, stay tuned!

Carol Ann
(Kelly's mom)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

I sent this letter out to all the missionaries presently serving from our ward, and a similar handwritten letter to Kelly.

Dear Elders and Sisters,

As we baked and ate and sang and played games and held FHE last night my mind was taken with thoughts of the missionaries in our ward, my own son and his first Christmas away from home and wondering how each of you are faring at this time away from your families.

What a wonderful reason that you are each away, as you teach the world about the real reason we even celebrate Christmas, why the world needs a Savior and the message of good news to all men everywhere! That Christ is born and came to bring us home! Back home to our Heavenly Father and Mother as we have been away from the glow of light and love, joy and connection with our first family. The message your bear offers us all the chance to come home to the arms of loving parents that miss us, long to hold us close and to share the bonds of belonging.

We are so grateful that if you have to be away from home at this time, that it is for this reason, to bring the family of God together and teach them the truth of their life, that we may all have a joyous rejoining with all our brothers and sisters that hear and follow our brother, Jesus Christ. He is truly the reason for this season and the reason you are away.

God bless you, and may you be warm and attended to by members of your ward families in the places you are, as you labor and endeavor to bring the Christmas message every day of the year to the world.

Our love and prayers,

The Conrads

Turn the negative around

I love my companion Elder Jacobson. He's helped me grow so much from his example and from making me take charge sometimes. We have set some goals that have pushed us to be better teachers and listeners, which have really helped us out in lessons and with helping people progress toward having faith in Jesus Christ. It also helps when we are with the ward members, we have gained their trust and respect. When we go on exchanges and are waiting for church to start we go around and talk to as many of them as possible and get to know them, which is sweet!

The Jarretts were the first couple that got baptized when I got here and they have been slipping a bit and mission church. So we called and talked to some of the ward members and they have been helping them out with what's been stopping them from coming and got them there this past Sunday. I hope that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn't. It's just so sweet to get to know the ward members, because when I was back at home I never really got to know the elders there in the ward and pray for them by name. By doing so you will help encourage them to become better missionaries and the work will continue to move ahead.

I learned that if I have time to sit and think about my faults and be negative, then I'm missing the point of missonary work. Just recently I have started to think about my investigators in my spare time. I think about what they might need to hear, or a certain lesson they might need. This really helps keep the negative thoughts away because when I'm so focused on others I lose focus on myself and home. I have seen it really bless my area and those we teach because now I'm focused and lsitening to them and what the spirit wants for them.

There is no snow here, but it's been -22 degrees, and out on our bikes it gets even colder. We are supposed to get snow Wednesday I think but when it snows here its more like fog, which is weird, but I'm not complaining. I heard about Tyler becoming an elder, that's so awesome! I can't wait to hear where he is going; I'll have to give you my mission home number so you can call it when he gets it so that I can hear about it sooner than snail mail.

Merry Christmas!

love your son,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Mom, Dad, I want to thank you for what you have written me, it helps out a lot, and gives me hope and courage to take on my fears with more assurance that the Savior is going to be there for me when the fear comes. At Zone Conference yesterday we read a very powerful talk from Elder Oaks that was along the same lines as your e mails to me. It talked about true conversion and how we are to achieve that over the whole course of our life time. Later in the talk he makes a very powerful statement that hit me and opened my mind to a whole lot of understanding. He said that a testimony is going to grow more in times of hardships and pain, then when in peace and easiness. At first I thought of my self and how this is very true, I have had so much growth because of this past week with my new companion, Elder Jacobson. Mom, when I wrote that I was at my lowest point. I'm more over that fear now and have grown over it. "It is better to face your fear one time and get over it then live its shadow" So that's has been one of the things I learned this past week.

Things in our area have been great. The weather has turned really bad and it's been 19 degrees for the past few days. We are still out riding our bikes; fifteen miles average a day. Even though it's so cold we have been finding more people outside and OTM's then ever before. We stop and talk to everyone and share the gospel with them. I really like to OTM's where some one is fixing a car, I can talk to them about the cars and sound smart and tie it into the gospel some how. Like last Friday we met a man who was just as old as I am and was fixing up and old step side dodge truck. He had dropped a magnum engine in, but was looking to put the old 360 back in to it and beefing it up. His name was Nick and then we met his friend David. I tied it to the gospel by saying sometimes things work in our lives but don't feel right, and that when they don't feel right we change them. It might make sense writing it out, or I didn't do a good job explaining how I tied it in but I know that no matter what some one is doing or saying I can tie it into some principle of the gospel. So OTM's have been awesome but by Thursday of last week I was a little angry; every time I talked to some one I could see the confusion. I wanted to cut through it and help them out so much that I began to get impatient. Most of them tell me that their either Baptist and they have a whole sluu of anti that has been taught to them, or they just say that just believing in Jesus Christ is enough to be saved and that they don't have to be apart of a certain church. It's pushed me a lot, because now I'm trying to find better ways to OTM and to teach lessons so that people understand what it is that we have to offer them. So that's been real fun. The other day I had my first book given to me! This lady we OTM'd said she wouldn't leave till she gave me the book. Come to find out her husband is an X'd member. That was a way funny experience.

Elsie and her family are doing well, they are still coming to church and are growing, but Elsie didn't come to church last week, and she hasn't answered my phone calls or returned any of them, so we will be going over and seeing what's going on with her.

This past week was all one huge growth spurt for me you could say. New companion and having a lot of things heeped on me all the sudden wasn't fun, but now I'm getting a little rest, I guess it's to get ready for the next trial.

. I love you Mom and Dad!

Your Son,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

Monday, December 15, 2008

Letter of encouragement from dad

Dear Kelly,

I know this may be strange using Mom’s email site. My right thumb is making it hard to write legibly. I am getting pretty good at typing so I thought I would try this. I read Mom’s letter to you and I would concur with her thoughts on your feelings of inadequacies. I too struggle with them frequently. When I get deep into those feelings and thoughts it is very hard to pull out of it. I want to isolate and not be connected to anybody and it is difficult to ask for what I need, especially if I have hurt the person(s) that I need the connection with.

It is difficult to tell yourself you are worthwhile and doing the best you can. As long as you haven’t done anything to chase the spirit away and can turn to God you should do well. Don’t let your fears take over. As a missionary it is a constant challenge to be vigilant and in tune with the spirit. Some days you will be more successful in doing that than others. The key is to keep getting up and trying to follow the spirit. You have already had more successes in these few months than I had in a year. I am very proud of you. Yesterday during sacrament meeting I was looking at the back of the program all the missionaries from our ward. When I saw your name I was overcome with the spirit and started sheddi8ng tears of joy and happiness. I was also humbled at the blessings Heavenly Father has given me through you. Even now tears come to my eyes. I often feel you have grown up and developed a desire to do what is right in spite of me. I am grateful for the good choices you have made in your life.

I hope you will be taken care of for the holidays. It is always nice for the members to take care of the Elders during these times. We all look forward to hearing from you on Christmas Day.

Today we got our first taste of cold and snow. I got up early and drove the roads. School was delayed 2 hours mainly because the wind was blowing pretty good. The wind chill was -9 degrees. We had the usual challenges with getting buses started and keeping them on the road but we got through it. Tonight it will get even colder. I hope Megan and Joe will be able to come this weekend. It is supposed to be like this all week.

Tyler interviewed with the Stake President last Thursday and received the Melchizedick (sp?) Priesthood Sunday night. That was very nice to be able to do that. It is also nice that he has been able to make the progress that he has. He papers should be sent in by now. Awesome!

Keep doing what is right and the Lord will take care of the rest. I love you!

Your Dad

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Letter of encouragement from Mom

Dear Son,

I hear how painful sometimes it gets inside for you as you struggling with feelings of worth and adequacy. That fears take over and worry about how you might be to others, if they see you through your negative view of yourself at times and when you look at yourself that way you feel ashamed and unworthy, not good enough. You wonder if they see those things and thus fear their reactions. It becomes an internal negative pattern where you then withdraw from others and emotionally beat on yourself, creating an “unconquerable enemy” as you might recall Splinter telling the Ninja turtles. There is no relief if you are your own enemy.

Yes, of course you have failings and inadequacies. Of course you are not perfect. Sometimes people in their own fears of self-inadequacy can project that onto you and you can then feel like you’re not good enough to them and shrink away, withdrawing from them as well. However, it is their own stuff, not yours, just as your stuff is really yours, not them.

While you feel that maybe you could have done more to learn about yourself through counseling when you were younger, you are now facing these terribly painful internal feelings here on your mission and using your failure in the past to beat yourself even more.

You are where you are Kelly. It is where it is, it is good enough, YOU are good enough—faults and all, you are His and He is yours. The Lord qualifies you for the work, you don’t. Your job is to be compassionate with others—including yourself. The scriptures contain all the “counseling” you will need here on your mission. I was preparing a lesson this morning for R.S. and came across this quote by Elder Eyring from last year’s conference talk, I include the part that I think might be of help. I encourage you to ponder deeply about this meaning and then apply it to yourself. The Lord will give you the relief you need from the painful internal negative self-talk if you allow charity to cover you from the Savior and from yourself.

The Apostle Paul was telling us how to love in a world of imperfect people, including ourselves, when he said, “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil” (1 Corinthians 13:4–5). And then he gave solemn warning against reacting to the faults of others and forgetting our own when he wrote, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Please know that your father and I, even in our many, many imperfections, trust you, know you are doing the Lord’s work with all your heart and it is more than good enough. It is what you have to give, and the Lord will bless you for it. Humble yourself, let Him succor you from your internal pain. Relief will come as you bend your will, give up your fears and risk turning to him even though you want to hide.

All my love,

Your mother

Ps/ did you get your box of “12 days” of Christmas? 3 of those items were given by Sister Ballentine. I think Clarissa is going to be sending 3 at the end of the 12 days so you should be receiving an added bonusJ I didn’t put instructions in, but you are suppose to only open one day at a time (you probably figured that outJ mom

Monday, December 8, 2008

Follow Up Trainer!

Hey Mom,
This past weeks has been very crazy with my trainer being transferred and my follow up trainer coming. The day of transfers was the craziest. That morning at three I hear my companion Elder Harrison hurling and puking so I wake up and check on him to see how he was doing. When I walk in puke was every where and he was hunched over the tube puking his guts out. He had gotten some kind of stomach bug and he couldn't keep anything down. He was up all night puking so I was up the whole night helping him out. He lost 13 pounds over the course of the night and in the morning we called Sister Seal who is who we call when missionaries get sick. She gives us some tips on how to help, but nothing would help. Well long story short we were afraid that he needed to go to the hospital because he was losing so much water and it was getting better. I have to say that I was kind of hoping that that would happen because that meant he wouldn't have left that day, but later President Seal told me that I had to get him to transfer point and there was no buts about it. So the last memory I have of him is him being dressed in sweats lying on the pavement at the Bentonville stake center waiting to be picked up.
My new companion is Elder Jacobson, who is from Sandy, Utah and was trained here in the Har-Ber area that I'm serving in. These past three days have been so sweet; we already have so many awesome experiences and have met a ton of people. We have made some goals that will push us and will make us grow. He is a way sweet missionary; in the past few days he has helped me with overcoming my fears of OTM ing in awkward situations, the other day before church we walked around and we saw this lady who was walking to her car, and there was some one else on the other side of the street so we split up to get two OTMs. I shout, "How are you doing today?" and start to talk to her while I walk up to her, she kept getting into her car but we still talked. Then she gets into the car and rolls down her windows to keep talking to me. I find out that she has "mormon" friends and that she has the Book of Mormon. She wasn't interested but the sweetest part about it all was that it wasn't awkward at all. If you have ever been on a mission, or knocked doors for sails you might know what I mean by awkward. It was just so sweet because now I don't rationalize why I shouldn't talk with someone, because when I do that I let satan win in my not sharing the message of the restored gospel. So there is going to be a lot of growth these next 6 weeks while I serve with him. I've been stressing out about a lot, about relationships in the ward, with investigators, with my new companion and with planning successful days. He's helped out a lot and I can't wait to learn more from him and serving with him.
We had a funny OTM the other day when we came out of a less active member's home, this man was walking by and I asked how he was doing and he didn't respond. So I left him alone but Elder Jacobson didn't, he asked how his day was going and he flips us off. Elder Jacobson asked what have we ever done to him and he told us about several "mormons" that he has known his whole life that had screwed him over one way or another. Elder Jacobson asked if the man believed is every body is perfect and he just goes off on us, telling us to get off his property and ranting and raving. All I could think about was how just a few members bad examples had hardened this mans heart towards Christ true Church. Man I really hope none of the dumb things I did growing up affects someone like this. That would be awful!
I did lose the eight pounds; actually I have lost a lot of weight because I go running every morning in our work out gym. I'm really going to miss this place when I get moved because I have really become more fit because of it, which helps out when riding our bikes, we don't get tired so fast.
Man that so exciting that Tyler's going to get interviewed. I can't wait to here and see the growth that will come from his mission. I can't wait to write him letters and share what's going on in our mission life. Speaking of Tyler I got the camera and its case the other day, which is way awesome! Thank you very much for it!! I'll be sending a memory card full of pictures and a cassette tape soon.
Well Mom I love you and the whole family so much! You all have been the best blessing in my life and I can't wait to talk to you all this Christmas! Tell Erin and Megan that I love them and that I will be writing them letters soon, I'm not sure if will get to them this Monday, but next Monday for sure.

Elder David Kelly Conrad

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving of many!

It took all week to get better, but I'm whole now and back to work. I got myself a box of that Emergen-C and have been taking multi-vitamins, which have really helped. I did get the conference talks this past Friday, thanks for sending it.
We got to play football thanksgiving morning with a bunch of non members and members at Tyson practice field, which was very awesome. We were only able to play for 2 hours and only got two games in but they were so fun! Well we lucked out and had only 2 dinner appointments for thanks giving, both at members homes, we had a lot more invitations but we were only able to make it to two of them. The first one was at 1:00 and the next was at 5:00. We went to the Lazartas and watched a movie on Emma Smith while we waited for dinner to cook. So we ate at 2:30, 3:00. They had all the classic thanksgiving food, except for yams, I have never had them before I cam out here, so that was a little different for me. When we get done eating we sit there the table telling them stories from our missions and answering there questions. While my companion is telling a story he unexpectedly yells and straitens out his right leg and tries to stand up, then he yells again and straitens his left leg out! By this time everyone is looking at him thinking "what the heck?" I helped him stand up and he tells us that he is cramping up and stands there yelling as it tightens up on him. It was so funny! He walked it off and everything settled down. Then we went to Brother and Sister Simmons, he is the funniest Philippine man you will ever meet, Tyler will know what I mean when I say he is funnier then Jun. So we start eating and start on seconds and by this time we are stuffed and just ready to pop. Brother Simmon just keeps putting it on my plate telling me that I can't stop eating till he does, telling me that it is a Philippine custom. So by the time he gets done eating I can't take deep breaths or bend my back because of how full I was. Then he brings out desert and it's a huge piece of some kind of cake. Man eating that think felt like an eternity and I thought that I was never going to get through it! I have never been so full in my life! Earlier that morning we all weighed our selves to see who at the end of the day would gain the most, which I gained 8.3 pounds! When I got home all I could do was lie in bed and think of how much I hate food.
Well Elsie and her family (Janet and Joanna) got baptized this past week end! They finally did it and it was so awesome to be apart of it! They have made it past all the trials that come before that huge leap towards Christ!
I'm a little sad this week because we got a call this past Saturday and my companion Elder Harrison is being transferred. I have learned so much from him and hate to see him go. Now I have to face another companion and start all over again with another relationship. But Elder Harrison knows who my new companion will be and says that he is a great Elder, and that he came out with him. His name is Elder Jacobsen; all I know is that he is 5'5'' and that he's way sweat missionary. I'm a little excited for the change, but there are a lot more unknowns now and it's pretty daunting.
So that's awesome that Tyler will be getting out here sooner, I'm so excited for him! That means it will be less then three years that I won't see him! Oh my suit size is 44 and I will be mailing those suits back this Monday or next, depends on if we get to the post office. It's gotten very cold here and has been snowing for the past two days, which looks really pretty, but makes it even colder.
Mom I'm thankful for you and the whole family, I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for the sacrifices made by you and Dad for me. I love you and pray for you always!
Your son
Elder David Kelly Conrad