Monday, March 16, 2009

FW: Cheered Up!

This past week was a good one. We found a ton of people to teach and we are still finding them. Elder Robinson and I set an all time high this week for our whole mission. Kind of like a personal best.
In summing up the week I would call it "learning by trial and error." I have thought a lot about why the Lord has placed me where I am at and why I am with Elder Robinson and not some missionary who has been out for a while. I would think that I could learn a lot from an older missionary who could show me the ropes, but after trying my best this week I am slowly learning how to be better and a more effective missionary. I'm still way excited to be here and to learn and to grow from this place.

We had a pretty crazy experience last Wednesday. We went to an older mans house that was a referral that we had gotten from church head quarters. We had met the man that was referred to us earlier; we met him at Wal-mart while shopping. In fact we were the ones that gave him the pass along card that he called in on, but that beside the point. His name is Richard and he has met with missionaries several times through out his life. He told us that he was born and raised in Palmyra New York and that he likes Mormons. If those of you don't know the importance of Palmyra, this is the place where Joseph Smith lived and where he was lead to the Book of Mormon. So Richard already knew a lot about the church and when I asked him out right if he believed that Joseph Smith was a prophet he said yes! After teaching him some more we set a baptism date with him and he accepted. It was so sweet; we still have along way to go with him but nothing the Lord can't handle. Bro Gibson says "You find them and He will clean them."

For some reason I have thought about my "conversion" this past week. In gospel principles this last Sunday there was a young woman that asked the question, "How do you know which church to join?" She was sincere in her question, which got me thinking about the life that I have lead and how I knew the church was true and that I wanted to be apart of it. What I came up with was pretty deep and I found more strength in my testimony that I had never seen. I don't have a lot of time to share it, but to sum up my thoughts; there has been a lot of divine intervention in my life to get me to this point of my life.

Thank you so much for your love and support, it really helps me. I love you and pray for you always.

Elder David Kelly Conrad

Ps, the pictures were taken at the Coleman Theater out here. Pretty crazy place!

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