Monday, June 8, 2009

The Last Zone Conference!

Another tough week has gone by and I have been blessed with the ability to bear it. Mountain Home is going to have a lot of miracles and blessings poured out on it one of these days. We worked SO hard and have come to the conclusion that all we can do is work and pray.

This week was good, we had Zone Conference on Thursday and the whole thing was centered on Christ. I can't really explain it but because of the inspired leadership of President and Sister Seal I was brought closer to the Savior through the Spirit that was there. We took a little test that is found in Preach My Gospel, it's called the "Christ like Attribute test". I have really been focusing on becoming more Christ like and always remembering what he has done for me. One of the questions on the test was, "How often do you think of The Savior and what he has done for you?" When I answered this question using the 0-5 scale, 0 being the lowest and 5 being perfect like Christ, I was shocked! I had to put down a 0! Man I felt terrible after having to put that down! The thought that ran through my head was that I am His representative and I never think about what he has done for me!? I have thought about it once in a while, but I need to be thinking about it every day! So I have committed myself to ask myself that question every day before I go to bed, when I wake up and whenever I catch myself murmuring because of something that I feel is tough. Last night I tried to imagine the Second coming while trying to go to sleep. The reason I was thinking about it was because everyone we OTM on the street asks us questions about it and when we think it is coming, so having so many people asking you about it gets you thinking about it as well. But anyways when I thought about it I visualized the Savior coming down to the people in the land of Bountiful in the Book of Mormon and I just felt over whelmed with joy and happiness. Man was it sweet! I love that feeling!

After Zone Conference we said our final goodbyes to Sister Seal because we will not be seeing her till we are done serving our missions. I'm way sad about getting a new Mission President; I'm really going to miss President and Sister Seal.

A funny trial that happened after Zone Conference was that I left my back pack with everything in it at the stake house in Springfield, Mo. When I say everything I mean the Keys to our apartment and to the car. I didn't realize this until we were back home, over two hours away. So we were on bikes for a few days until we were able to get the keys over-nighted to us. Then we had a miracle when a member here called us up and said that he was going to Springfield and he would pick up my bag. Man Elder Clinger and I prayed like crazy for that miracle. Oh and by the way, Sister Bird, Elder Clinger isn't related, but he knows the family a little that you were asking about.

This transfer is probably going to be about like last transfer; tough for the first few weeks, learn a ton and work hard and then for the last few weeks see the blessings come in.

Elder D. Kelly Conrad

1 comment:

Nicole Bolinger said...

The transfer can't be as bad as leaving the Har Ber War! ;) BTW, Elder SIlcock is trying to one up your blog. He says that he has a "counter" that counts down the days to his mission! Don't worry, I told him you have a ton more links than he does! ;) haha!