Monday, August 3, 2009

Personal Revelation!

Everything is going good. It was fast Sunday this past Sunday and I have come to a lot of answers about things that have been going on recently. I was able to talk to several people in the ward and to Elder Harrison and the Spirit has confirmed things to me that will bless my life for ever, as long as I can remember what was taught to me. It's kind of hard to explain and a lot of it I won't explain due to the fact that it was personal revelation meant to bless me. But what was learned was how to receive personal revelation and how to apply the atonement into my life. The reason for all the stresses and worries in my life right now has come from the fact that I have not really forgiven myself for my faults and the silly things that I do wrong. It has built up so much that I have been living day to day in fear and not being able to overcome the hurdle that is set before me.

So last night after reading several talks about the atonement and several other things I have come away feeling like a burden has been lifted of my back and I am able to move forward now. There is a section in Preach My Gospel that I read that just came to mind as I shared this with you. Its says that people all over the world are weighed down by stress and sin and are looking for a way to get rid of it, even if they sometimes don't understand that they are weighed down, or searching for a way to be clean. I have lived this way, not understanding what was going on, but looking for a way out. The way out is the Atonement! It's amazing how all encompassing the atonement really is, it covers anything and everything we do in this life. It is how we are to have hope and faith that we can do anything, its all about the atonement!!

The week had its ups and downs, but all and all it was good. We had several investigators at church and we have started to teach more new families. Things are started to prosper here and I love it! I have been able to make some improvements on my teaching abilities and I have been able to learn how to better use scriptures, questions and application of principles taught in the scripture.

I went on exchanges with Elder Henson in Sallisaw, Ok this week and while I was there we had a down pour! To make things even better we were on bikes all day! We went tracting for 2 hours and walked through what seemed like rivers flowing down the streets! It was so much fun! We made preparations before we left by putting on our yellow rain jackets, and wrapping our scriptures and pamphlets in plastic bags. That is something else I learned this week, always be prepared, if you want something, you have to be prepared for it. One of my new goals is to always think of what I might need for something, or how I can prepare for things. In missionary work there is a lot that I have to prepare for.

We also had a ward social this past Thursday that we had several people that we are teaching at. After eating we played games and had a lot of fun! I have some videos of me beating everyone at the stick pull that I will be sending home soon so you can see how fun it was!

Love your son,
Elder D Kelly Conrad

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