Saturday, November 14, 2009

FW: alot of good stuff! Elder Kelly Conrad

Mom- Nov 14, 2009

Things have been going well this week so far. I have been able to go out and work with several missionaries this past week and I have been able to learn a lot from them. At the beginning of the week in my new area things where very slow and I wasn't sure what to do, I have a hard time with sitting on my hands and doing nothing, but things finally picked up. I have really missed Fort Smith and those that I was attached, but things have speeded up and now I don't have time to sit around and think about things. The only time things aren't going on is when we are travelling in the car to places.
I went on an exchange with a newer missionary in my area the other day whose name is Elder Curtis. Elder Curtis hasn't been having the best time on his mission so yesterday it was my goal to make the day one of the best days on his mission. We first went to a potentials home and tried to see if we could teach them, but we ended up teaching the neighbor Larry, which was a really neat experience. After talking to Larry for a short time a relationship was established and I found out that his wife was a member who has been less active for almost a decade. Larry said he had been taught about the Book of Mormon before and that he had some questions. As Elder Curtis and I taught him Larry told us that he was upset with people who believe in evolution and we started to talk about Adam and Eve and the creation. As we did this Larry quoted scriptures from the Bible which lead us right into the Book of Mormon; I turned to 2 Nephi 2 in the Book of Mormon and read passages that went right along with those he quoted from the Bible, which really drew his attention. He asked about the Book and we taught him a very simple lesson where we showed him the doctrine behind prophets and the Book of Mormon. We now have a return appointment for next week. My day with Elder Curtis was one of the most spiritual and powerful days of my life, and wasn't because it was of my own doing, but because the Lord was teaching Elder Curtis and I something very profound. My lesson was that I am truly blessed to be in the positions that I am and that I get to serve so many missionaries and help them see their true potentials' and that the Spirit is the power behind me. Elder Curtis's lesson was that he really does have a great potential and that he has to be patient with himself. He is one of the most sincere missionaries that I have ever met and that he has a profound effect on people that he cares about.
So pretty much my week has been filled with experiences like these; on Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Butler. I went tracting with Elder Butler. I hate going tracting, on my exchanges with Elder Curtis he told me it was time to go finding, which meant tracting and I suggested that we find a member near by to seek referrals from just so I didn't have to tract. That turned out to be a blessing because when we walked away with a relationship of trust with a member who was doing missionary work with three different families. But this time I submitted to Elder Butler and I went tracting. Well on the fourth house the door had a no solicitors sign on it and had a picture of a man carrying a brief case with a cross through it, which kind of had me intimidated, but I figured what the heck, I don't have a brief case I'll be good. A woman answered the door that was on the phone with her realtor, so she asked us to wait for her to get off the phone. After waiting a while we were able to talk with her about what things were going on in her life and then we got it into a gospel conversation. We taught her a brief powerful lesson and at the end of the lesson Lela promised Elder Butler and I that she was going to read the Book of Mormon all the way through and pray about it in the next few days before the missionaries came back. So now I have a new success story from tracting, I think I only have a few of them, but they were really profound experiences.

Things are just going to get even faster these next few weeks, our schedule is already filled and we will be busy, busy, and busy.

Elder Kelly Conrad

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