Monday, February 9, 2009

Week Of Boldness!

The week was pretty good, we got back into contact with all of our investigators and had some pretty powerful lessons. I had to teach my first "law of Chastity" lesson the other day and call a couple that we have been teaching out on living in sin; as we called it. I have gotten pretty good at being bold and calling people to repentance lately, of coarse it is by the direction of the Spirit. But for that lesson I was very thankful that the church has a pamphlet that makes it less awkward for the investigators. We read through it and it stated what needed to happen pretty clearly.
I had the best lesson of my whole mission the other day with one of my favorite families. I can't remember if I have written much about the Scott and Gretchen Silva, but they are the coolest family. They have fed us missionaries and had us over for game night and are perfect candidates for the Gospel. The only problem is that Scott has a problem with our church because of what he has heard about Joseph Smith. So Friday night, after thinking all day that we needed to go over to their house and teach them, we did. After chatting for a bit I asked him how his reading of the BOM was going. He said that he had read most of it. I asked him what he thought and he said that he wasn't sure. So I started to teach him about the BOM and why we have it and its importance. I taught him the real version of the apostasy.
It's pretty deep and thought provoking, it follows the line that the church Christ set up to fail from the beginning because the people joining the church were not getting ride of their past traditions and the Mosaic Law. That and also the fact that the Jews were in bondage and the church could not grow if it was in bondage. It goes a bit deeper, but I told Scott that the only reason the church was set up then was to prove that the church we are in now is true, and it shows us the foundation of Christ true church. I bore my testimony several times to him and his wife and the Spirit kept filling my mouth with what was needed to be said to them so that they would understand. I could see the lights go on in the minds and that they were finally seeing the big picture. I told Scott that he needed to pray to his heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ if the BOM is true, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet. I told him that if the BOM is true then all the negative stuff that he has heard about Joseph Smith is false and that it is satan confusing him, and that he needed to pray to know the truth. I was very bold with him; he likes that kind of stuff.
So that was my week, we did a lot of service on Saturday with the ward, oh that reminds me, start looking at the church News because they are doing an article on what happened here and they are putting pictures of us in the paper! Woot Woot
Well Mom & Dad I love you and wish you a happy valentines day. The package wasn't gotten into at my apartment, it was on the way over here because when I got it was all taped up. I guess I won't be getting any goodies for my birthday ah? Such is life, I'm just a little upset about my seminary Bible though, that's the messed up part about it.
I love you and will be sending my letters on time this week, sorry about that!

Elder David Kelly Conrad

1 comment:

Nicole Bolinger said...

Dear Elder Conrads Family! We LOVE Elder Conrad, he is an AWESOME missionary! I think we may have been one of the first dinner appointments on his mission. He's companion threw him into the fire with us. He made him OTM with us and we gave him some pretty good hurdles to overcome. Bless his heart, he didn't know how to handle us and he was so shy! That was 6 months ago and tonight He and his companion came over again for dinner. He really has grown so much spiritually and more confident in the last 6 months. Y'all should be very proud!

I was SO excited to find out you started a blog, what AWESOME parents! We will definitely keep track of him throughout his mission! You have a great son and we are grateful you shared him with the Oklahoma mission and US!!

Just thought we would share!