Monday, October 20, 2008

Back at the Links

Well everything was fixed and I was moved back to the apartment on Links drive! Man it has been a crazy few weeks! I've learned so much from my little time over in the Springdale area that I was moved to while things were being sorted out. Once again I have seen the Lords hand and have learned from the trials of being his missionary. He placed me the path of several people who were meant to bless me and answer my prayers. On Monday my new companion and I went to a couple house for dinner, the Heiners, they have just moved here from Utah two weeks ago. They reminded me of Megan and Joe because they are the same age as them and have a two year old son and a few week old baby girl. The cool thing was that they are both return missionaries and still have that desire to help and do missionary work. Brother Heiner gave me some advice that I have heard before, it was that there is no substitute in missionary work then work, work, work! Never had that simple phrase hit me as strong as when he told me it. He quoted it from his mission and it is found in Preach My Gospel and I have read it several times. It has been the answer I've been seeking for; I've been felling pretty blue because I feel like I'm not learning or growing fast enough. But after that night I have focused on my goals and what I want to become, I have since then set out a plan on how I'm going to work and learn all that I need to. One of these goals is to memorize a scripture every day, I'm on my third day and I have noticed several things because I've started doing this. All day I have that scripture running through my head and I am actually remembering it. Next is that I feel happier and have the Spirit with me in lessons and during OTMs, (which we only got 70 this week, but we taught 40 lessons!) Reading the scriptures is the best thing you can do to invite the Spirit!
Remember Elsie? The women who called you mom? Well we have been teaching her daughter Janet and her Grand daughter Joanna and have been making head way and progress with all three of them. They all three came to church yesterday along with 4 other investigators. My companion and I watched a movie, the restoration, with them last night and after the movie Janet says that she has something to tell us that is going to blow us away. My companion and I thought that she was going to tell us that she wanted to get baptized so we were way excited! She then says "I can go to the temple!" we were like what? She kept saying that and we didn't understand what she meant. Then it hit us, she already is a member! For some reason she remembered that she was already a Mormon! So after teaching her for the past two months she just now remembered that she has already been baptized! That's way crazy! Now Elsie can't remember if she has been baptized or not. I know that it's hard for you to see what I see from this but God works in the weirdest ways.
I love being the Lord servant, He has helped me learn and grow so much. My testimony has grown so much. I have a testimony of families, every time I think about my family I think of all the fun times we have had and the great blessing each and every sibling is in my life. I love my Mom and Dad and find great joy in knowing that we will live together for ever. I love my savior Jesus Christ and his willingness to come down here to create the path that will lead us back to our Father in Heaven. I know that the book of Mormon strengthens our faith in Jesus Christ and was translated by the authority of God that Joseph Smith held. In every lesson we start off by saying that God is our loving Father. If there is any message that I want to stress to all of you is that God loves each of us, Jesus Christ is a blessing to us and is Gods way of showing us that he loves us. I could go on for ever about this; let's just say that I feel very deeply about this and know that its true.
If that package you sent had that book in it then I got it, other then that my address is the one on links drive. That's very sad that that women is not willing to open her heart and to see what help others can be, it makes me sad that she will not soften her heart, that's one of the hardest thing about be a missionary, my heart breaks when some who is in pain and is suffering rejects the message we share. It has blessed my life and I know how it can bless their lives but the reject it. If only they would soften their hearts and repent and come unto their Savior and find that there is rest in him.
Mom, Dad I love you and thank you for all that you have done my whole life, you are examples in my life and I am still learning from you even though I'm out here. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me and I want you to know that I'm giving my all. I miss you all and pray for you always.

Your son,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

P.S my address is;

4193 links dr 206
Springdale Ar 72762

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