Monday, October 6, 2008


Mom I love the letters from the family so much, I really do love them all. I also got that wallet picture thing in the mail today, it's not broken but the USB cord end was pinched so I had to bend it out, and Tyler might know what I mean. But I love it! I'm loading all my pictures on it right now and am going to send them to you!

So to answer some of your questions my meeting with president Seal went really good, he gave me some advice, "don't let Satan confuse you! Pray always for guidance and for the Spirit" he is always looking for ways to stop the missionary effort. I'm convinced that President sees my full potential. I really can't see my full potential, but have come to see more of it with each day I strife and give my all.
I got to see all of conference, which was way amazing! I learned so much and felt such a strong Spirit! Before conference started I had in my mind only two thing I wanted to learn from conference and that was guidance and knowledge and boy did I get it! Every talk had very powerful and deep principles! Elder Eryings talks were amazing! Through out all my notes I have little sentences written in red that out line a principle and or thought I had during the talks. Several of the talks give us guidance for our every day activities, the talk that Elder Scott gave in the Priesthood should be a standard held by all of us priesthood holders. It will be mine. That's another thing; a lot of the talks were about a standard being raise. I want to be like Captain Moroni and hold fast to a standard for all to see. That's only a fraction of what I learned from conference.
I went on splits with our Zone leaders on Friday and learned way lots from it. I learned to just act on prompting and not to second guess myself.. Because of what I've learned I've come to small understanding of how missionary work is to be done. Lessons are going good, even though we teach with the Spirit the families we are teaching aren't acting on the knowledge that they have come to, something is stopping them. Its really frustrating when they tell us that they know the book of Mormon is true because they have prayed about it and procrastinate baptism. We made a little head way on a few of them but it comes down to them accepting what we teach them. Its really frustrating to have the knowledge that I have and the desire to share it with others and they reject it. It crushes me!
Its gotten a little bit easier to talk to people, but its like jumping off a cliff, when you get up there you always have that beginning fear, but then you count and leap. After the fun filled fall and streaming you hit the water and the first thing you do when you come up for breath is scream "WOOOO!" You say to your self "I want to do that again!" that's the best way I can explain it, there is always a fear at first, but you have faith and knowledge that everything will be alright and that you will like it. Now that's not to say talking to some one always turns out good, but what's the worst that could happen? They reject you, and maybe a swear word or two, it's not all that bad. The more I get up on that cliff the more faith I have in the fact that everything will be ok when I take that leap. The joy comes in knowing I gave it my all and tried, that's when I take a breath and says "I want to do that again!" I hope you can find a principle some where in there and that it makes sense: P
I haven't been able to write all that I want to, and can't tell you have strong I feel about everything. All I can do is bear a sincere testimony that we have a Prophet on the earth today, Jesus is my savoir and yours, I have been entrusted with this knowledge and it is my duty to share it with others. Missionary work is the greatest work we can do on this earth, nothing else matters. I will continue to give my all and grow in faith and help all that I can come unto Christ by helping them receive the message of the restored Gospel. I love you all and wish that you could feel what I am trying to convey to you. I pray for you always and give thanks to my Father in Heaven for the many blessing he has given me and my family, I thank him for sending His only Begotten son Jesus Christ and for his willingness to make it possible for me to return with my whole family back to live in His presence.

Yours truly,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

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