Monday, July 6, 2009

Confidence and the Fourth!--Letter from brother Kelly, to all family (Cori)


This is Cori's brother's weekly email that I send out to the family. She likes to read these.

So I finally got my Alpha smart working and since I am at a library and I have time limit I am using it so I can get more in my emails.
This week has been very trying and very long. On Tuesday while teaching Charlie Palmer we watched the restoration and after the film she told us how she had seen Jesus Christ at the age of four and also how she doesn't like how silent it is at church. She went to a baptism a few weeks ago and she said that she wanted to get up a shout. She described it like a ball game, when you score you shout and she thinks when some one is baptized we need to shout like we just scored a point. So it's going to be fun to over come this challenge.
Wednesday we spent all day at the Mazda dealership getting Mazzie the Mazda fixed. Mazzie is the name Elder Harrison gave our car. But she's been a lemon since the elder's here have gotten her. I guess there is some one we are meant to meet at the dealership one of these days.
For the first time in my whole life I memorized all 13 articles of faith and I did it in about half an hours worth of work! I challenged Alina, one of the recent converts that we are teaching to a dual of memorizing them. I won only because I had all 13 memorized.
We are now teaching Alina's Dad again who is a recovering alcoholic and we set a date with him for the 25th of July. I love teaching Mark and his family because I can see the changes that they are all making. They have been reading the Book of Mormon everyday and the have morning and night family prayers. I can feel the difference it has made in their home and in them since they have started to do these three things.
On Thursday we OTM'd this drunken guy named Tony, when we left the OTM we asked if we could help out with anything and he jokingly asked if we could mow his yard. We said we would be back on Friday at 10:00 am to do it. So the next day a 10:00 they were very shocked when we showed up to mow their lawn. It felt so good to get out of my white shirt and tie and put on jeans for once. We left Tony and his wife with a copy of the Book of Mormon with a note telling them to read it and pray about it and we left our phone number on it for them to call.
For the fourth we tried to get as many set appointments as possible but for the most part of the day we spent time at the Tidwell's playing "take two" and a very fun game called "Farkel". Then we came back to our house at night and Bro Tidwell lit our fireworks that we had gotten for free from an investigator named Erik who owns a firework stand, I am way excited to teach him, he is golden!
I'll be sending a memory card home soon with some more pictures on it so you can see what it was like here on the fourth.
So this past week has all been about building my confidence in all that I do, in OTM'ing, talking to members in the ward and in my teaching. I am really learning how to really rely on the Lord and the Spirit in all that I do as a missionary; even talking on the phone with people.
Everything is going great here and I got the pants this past Friday and they have helped out a ton! Thank you so much Mom! I love you and hope that you have a safe trip home.

Love your son,
Elder D. Kelly Conrad

1 comment:

Nicole Bolinger said...

Elder Robinson says you owe him pictures! And Elsie Roberts will be paying you a visit if you don't send them.

We miss you!