Monday, July 27, 2009

FW: Whats going on?

For those who don't know, Dave went into Atriel Fibrillation last week and was in the hospital for four days. We decided not to tell Kelly since he's focused and doing well until we knew things were leveled out and he would be okay. We received permission from Kelly's new mission president to let Kelly call his dad today, he seemed a bit distressed in this email. Dave is stable on medications and back at work for a few hours today.


Well if that wasn't a scare when I read an email from Megan earlier this morning and heard a little about what is going on with Dad. It was a horrible feeling being left in the dark and not knowing what was going on. All I could do is sit here and wait for your emails to come.

This weeks has felt like is has taken several years off my life. Every morning I fight the mind over mattress battle when I force myself to get up at 6:30am. My mind knows that I have to get up, but my body tells me otherwise. I'm not used to working so hard and having such intense spiritual experiences draining me this much. A story from the life of Joseph Smith comes to mind to illustrate what I mean. When Joseph Smith received the revelation in Doctrine and Covenants 78 with Sidney Rigden, at the end of the vision, Sidney was pale and had looked like he had gone through something very strenuous. Joseph said to those who were in the room with them that Sidney was not yet used to such experiences like he himself was.

This week we found 13 new investigators and we had one baptism! We are teaching several new families that we are very excited to be blessed to teach. One of the families is the Campbell family. They were a referral from an APEX security Alarm installer. It's weird sometimes how the Lord works His will out, but He always gets His way. We taught them this past Thursday. They had some very sincere questions and after we got done with the lesson they were our best friends. They are going to be coming to the ward social that is going on this Wednesday.

My time is up and I have to go, but tell Dad that he better change his diet, get exercising and take care of himself so that he can still work around the house when I get home.

I love you and Dad and thank you for all that you do for me!

Love your son,
Elder D. Kelly Conrad

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