Monday, August 24, 2009

FW: Focusing!

That's so awesome that Tyler finally got his call! I am so pumped for him, But Utah!? Come on! How stinking lucky! He will definitely be having a different mission experience then I am having here in the OTM. Man that is so sweet!

Well I have a little more time this week to email; we are going hiking today, up mount Magazine with a few people in our zone and with some other recent converts. It's going to be awesome! But anyways things have been pretty crazy around here with training Elder Buhler how to be a zone leader and still keep everything together and help our investigators progress. We have several dates set and things are looking great!

We have had several awesome experiences this past week. Yesterday we had a lesson with Joe Rainwater, we read 2 Nephi 9 and while we read it I learned more about the atonement then ever before! It was amazing!! I have never learned so much in my life, my new goal is to always teach people because that is when I really learn. Even in my most productive studies I never learn more then when I have taught some one. Every important lesson I have learned on my mission has always been in some ones home, door step, at a podium, or in a class room where I have been teaching.
I have finally reached a point where I feel comfortable enough to do anything as a missionary, whether it is to tract, otm, teach, instruct dozens of people, find, or just make friends with some one, but now the set of trials I am going through is helping to learn my true purpose as a missionary. My whole mission I have felt like there is more to this calling and I now am learning what that "more" is.

Yesterday while leaving the Tidwell's home for dinner we otm'd this drunken guy. His name is Brian. When we talked to him he was pretty rude and mouthy, but as we kept talking he changed and got nicer. We were running late to an appointment so I was ending the conversation and getting his address when he asks if we could say a prayer. Elder Buhler and I thought nothing of it because we pray with people outside all the time, but this time Brian came up to us and all three of us put our arms on each others shoulders and I offered a prayer. If that wasn't awkward enough after the prayer he hugged us and walked off! All me and Elder Buhler could do was get in the car as fast as we could and get out of there! That is the second time I have been hugged by a drunk in the middle of a street! The things we go through to spread the gospel.

One of the members here actually served in the mission that Tyler is serving in. Tyler is going to have a wonderful experience on his mission.
Being the midpoint of my mission I have started to make little plans for the future. My plans right now are to go down to Utah and go to either UVU, Snow college, or some other school there in Utah, So I might not have to go three years without seeing Tyler. But nothing is set in stone.

I love you Mom and thank you for the package! I should be writing you a hand written letter later today.

Love your son,
Elder Conrad

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