Monday, April 20, 2009

still jumping!

This week has been one of the best. We jumped six feet and got 140/40 (OTM's and lessons) and we are seeing the blessing of the Lord. With my new companion I am getting to learn more about others things. Elder Goodale is equally yoked with me and I am focusing more on perfecting myself and my teaching skills. I have noticed a lot how I shine in some areas of missionary work, but in others I'm still dull. So I'm looking forward to this next transfer to get to rest from some things and fortify some others.

This past Monday we had a really rewarding experience. Its was coming to the last of the day and we needed to get one more lesson. 8:30 comes around and we can't find anyone to teach. While driving around and saying my little prayers I had the idea placed in my head to go to a certain potential that we found earlier last week. Their names are Aj and Samantha and they were home and they are is pretty sweet. The day we found them was my secound day with Elder Goodale. I was driving to a this apartment complex to go and look up some potentials and have an OTM power hour. While on the way there I would forget where I was going and drove past it and by the time I figured out that I had past it we were down the road qiute a ways. So we turned back and I forgot again where we were going and drove past it. Finally on the third try we got there and by this time we were a couple of minute late to the appointment we had set up, but we figured we would start our power our. To make a long story short we found Aj and Samantha, who happen to be our next door neighbors, but we were lead to meet them several miles from our house. Of coarse we didn't see how it all fit together till sevral days later, but this simple story shows me that there is always some reason that we met someone, whether we get to know now or later.

On Wednesday Elder Goodale and I had the chance to meet with one of the most sincere people that I have ever met. Her name is Carol and we found her after leaving an appointment outside and we otm'd her. Carol and her mother Viginia were fixing up their house and things out side, so we walk up and start talking to them. Now the way I otm is that I get them talking about life and things and I ask questions that lead down to the spiritual side of things, which leads to something that is writen in the Book of Mormon that I can share with them. So we got to this point in the otm and we find out that she believes in everything that we do and that she has read the Book of Mormon. She is an Indian and has studied every religion that there is and she knows a ton, which is her down fall I quess, but she is still a wonderful lady. Before we left we asked if we could leave with a prayer, so we all held hands and I offered the prayer. After I was done Carol went, then her mother, then Elder Goodale. It was one of the most sencere and most powerful prayers that I have ever felt. It was like the Spirit was in the middle of us and we all could feel its warmth. We left and our faces were red like we had been out in the sun all day, it was that intense!

We have this really nice lady who feeds us every Friday. Her name is Janice and everytime we have gone over to her house the Spirit is always present. This past Friday we taught her about Joeph Smith and we watched the restoration DVD with her and when it got to the vision she let out a short, "WOW!" and we both knew why. That movie, in the correct settings has power, it reveals that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that what is taught by the Book of Mormon is worth listening to. There are so many rewards to missionary work!

Elder David kelly Conrad

PS, I almost forgot, we had a baptism!!!

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