Monday, May 11, 2009

Hope not to Despair!

Well I know I just talked to the whole family yesterday, but I just wanted to write you all an email and let you know that I'm still alive. So I'm still alive and look forward to emailing you next week…. Just kidding, there was still a ton that I could have talked about yesterday that I didn't get to. I didn't get to tell the story about almost being in a tornado, almost having to re-schedule a baptism, and casting out devils.

Friday morning we went on our normal run. We got back to the house at 6:30 and started to get ready for the day. I had taken a shower and had put my slacks and white shirt on and while putting my shoes on I felt the house move and heard what sounded like a freight train! I yell to my companion scaring him, " What does outside look like Elder?" He responded, "It's a little rainy." So I go out side and the first thing I see is the sickest looking dark green cloud coming right at us that was almost touching the ground. It was like a huge wall and all I could think was "TORNADO!" I ran inside to tell Elder Goodale that he might get his wish and I start to pack my duffel bag with stuff that I didn't want lost. Elder Goodale did the same and we got to the front door listening for our cue to run to the shelter our neighbor has across the street. It passed and we were safe. But it was way intense and it really got my heart pumping. We had a touch down about 5 miles from our house that just took out some trees. While driving around we could see the effects from the 80 mile per hour winds we had. Telephone poles were snapped in half, whole trees were down and some roofs were blown off! It was way intense! I've got some pictures of it.

So the next day on Saturday morning we got a phone call from the mother of Karlee Hood who was to be baptized that same day. Heather, Karlee's mother was calling to ask if we could move Karlees baptism to the next week, she told me that she had been in the ER sick at 12 am because she had cyst that exploded and that she wasn't feeling good. When she told me this my heart sank and I was pretty upset, it felt like Satan was trying his all to stop this baptism from happening. I told Heather that the baptism will only take 45 minutes and if she needed to she could stay in the mothers room. That might sound heartless of me to get her to come to church while not feeling good but that was what I felt dictated to me to by the spirit to tell her. Later that day when we went over to make sure that they were still going to come. Heather took some medication that helped her feel better and she was able to sit through the whole baptism. It just goes to show me that when we plan to do what is right the Lord will make a way for us to do what is right. It's a living experience that I have had that relates to one in the scriptures, "I will go and I will do."

Seems like Heather and her family have been in the email a lot, but here is another story about this crazy sweet family. On Wednesday night Elder Goodale and I went on splits so that we could teach two different people at the same time. I went to Sally Fenskas and he went to Heather Irvins. When we met back up Elder Goodale told me about how when we dedicated Heathers house earlier last week that it seemed maybe we disturbed spirits that were there. So we went back and we gave a blessing to everyone in the house, we cleansed the house of all the spirits that were there using the priesthood. Heather and her kids told us the next day that that night was the best night of sleep they have ever had in that house. Another testimony to me of the power of the priesthood.

These past few days I have been walking around feeling a bit discouraged. I've been thinking about where I want to be as a missionary and how I need to get there and I see my goal, but I don't see how to get there. I've been kind of murmuring abit. But I prayed for help and started looking for the answer I need right now. I got my answer in Moroni 10, where there is no hope, there is only despair and when I read this I knew that this was the answer to my prayer. I felt happier, relieved, and even excited. I felt my enthusiasm return about doing missionary work and pressing on till I reach my goal.

Elder David Kelly Conrad

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