Tuesday, March 31, 2009

FW: Weeks of Miracles!

President Seals instruction this past week has really opened my mind to the things that need to happen in order to do missionary work and help my brothers and sisters learn the true gospel. This important lesson was taught to me through Alma 12:9, it explains the process of learning the mysteries of God. What it might mean by "mysteries of God" could be anything that you don't know, like for people that we teach it might be that they don't know that there is a prophet that has been called of God to lead and guide us, or they don't know the plan that can bring them salvation. But in the last sentence it tells us how we can find anything out, knowledge of the mysteries of God is given to us "according to the heed and dilegence which "we" give unto Him." So the lesson I learned from this is if I want to be successful and see miracles I have to be diligent and give heed to the council of those who are around me and are put into a possition to give me council. This is why I ask tons of questions on exchanges with the leaders that are over me.

I know that this principle is true because I have been living it and I am seeing miracles. The Miami area is moving again and the ward is on fire with the spirit of missionary work. This past Sunday was our fast Sunday, so Elder Robinson and I made this plan to get up and bear our testimony first and get the topic of the testimonies to be on the restoration and missionary work and it worked! It was so sweet, and the Spirit was so powerful there! Several members had brought non-member friends with them and we had a total of six investigators there as well! In gospel essientials we taught the restoration to this way sweet awesome lady that this way sweet awesome family brought with them! The spirit was there as several people bore their testamonies of the gospel . I could tell that it really was hitting her.

We have five baptism dates set and several more that we are going to be setting in the next few weeks, I'm super excited for this place! I know its nothing that I'm really doing, its because I'm doing my best to be obedient and diligent so that my Heavenly Father can bless me more and more. We have found 18 new investigators these past two weeks and I know that there are still more out there. Our teaching pool is getting bigger and bigger!
Another sweet experience that happened this week was while tracting. His name is Aaron and when we knocked on his door he let us right in and let us teach him. We left him with a Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment. When we went back I was super nervious and anxious. I could just feel the Spirit radianting from his house and it got me charged up! Well when we got there he wasn't home, his wife answered the door and told us that he would be back in ten minutes. When things like this happen and they aren't there it's sometimes because they don't want you to come back or they have heard something about us. So we went back to the car and went home and updated our area book till it was time to go back. When we got there I just had this thought that everything was going to be alright and that what we where doing was right. Aaron was home and we taught him a very deep lesson about the original church of Jesus Christ and the apostasy and how we needed a restoration. It was lead by the Spirit and very powerful, Aaron even said that he could feel the power from the message and that he could also see it in our eyes. When we left and got into the car my companion and I were giving each other high fives and shouting because of how awesome the lesson was and the Spirit that we felt. Just thinking about it right now puts a big smile on my face and gets me way excited to go out and work.

Transfer calls are this up coming Saturday, the fourth of April and I really hope that I get to stay because I love this area, I love the ward, I love the people that we are teaching and I feel like my work isn't done here, but I quess I'll go where ever I'm called.

Man time is just flying by now and it really scares me because I feel like I still have tons of things to learn and not enough time to learn it!

Love your son,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

1 comment:

Nicole Bolinger said...

I am so glad he is doing so well. A little bitter sweet that he loves his area SO much considering he just left our area! But, I'll get over it! ;) So glad he is having wonderful experiences like that with Aaron. Please pass on our encouragements!