Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

I sent this letter out to all the missionaries presently serving from our ward, and a similar handwritten letter to Kelly.

Dear Elders and Sisters,

As we baked and ate and sang and played games and held FHE last night my mind was taken with thoughts of the missionaries in our ward, my own son and his first Christmas away from home and wondering how each of you are faring at this time away from your families.

What a wonderful reason that you are each away, as you teach the world about the real reason we even celebrate Christmas, why the world needs a Savior and the message of good news to all men everywhere! That Christ is born and came to bring us home! Back home to our Heavenly Father and Mother as we have been away from the glow of light and love, joy and connection with our first family. The message your bear offers us all the chance to come home to the arms of loving parents that miss us, long to hold us close and to share the bonds of belonging.

We are so grateful that if you have to be away from home at this time, that it is for this reason, to bring the family of God together and teach them the truth of their life, that we may all have a joyous rejoining with all our brothers and sisters that hear and follow our brother, Jesus Christ. He is truly the reason for this season and the reason you are away.

God bless you, and may you be warm and attended to by members of your ward families in the places you are, as you labor and endeavor to bring the Christmas message every day of the year to the world.

Our love and prayers,

The Conrads

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