Monday, December 8, 2008

Follow Up Trainer!

Hey Mom,
This past weeks has been very crazy with my trainer being transferred and my follow up trainer coming. The day of transfers was the craziest. That morning at three I hear my companion Elder Harrison hurling and puking so I wake up and check on him to see how he was doing. When I walk in puke was every where and he was hunched over the tube puking his guts out. He had gotten some kind of stomach bug and he couldn't keep anything down. He was up all night puking so I was up the whole night helping him out. He lost 13 pounds over the course of the night and in the morning we called Sister Seal who is who we call when missionaries get sick. She gives us some tips on how to help, but nothing would help. Well long story short we were afraid that he needed to go to the hospital because he was losing so much water and it was getting better. I have to say that I was kind of hoping that that would happen because that meant he wouldn't have left that day, but later President Seal told me that I had to get him to transfer point and there was no buts about it. So the last memory I have of him is him being dressed in sweats lying on the pavement at the Bentonville stake center waiting to be picked up.
My new companion is Elder Jacobson, who is from Sandy, Utah and was trained here in the Har-Ber area that I'm serving in. These past three days have been so sweet; we already have so many awesome experiences and have met a ton of people. We have made some goals that will push us and will make us grow. He is a way sweet missionary; in the past few days he has helped me with overcoming my fears of OTM ing in awkward situations, the other day before church we walked around and we saw this lady who was walking to her car, and there was some one else on the other side of the street so we split up to get two OTMs. I shout, "How are you doing today?" and start to talk to her while I walk up to her, she kept getting into her car but we still talked. Then she gets into the car and rolls down her windows to keep talking to me. I find out that she has "mormon" friends and that she has the Book of Mormon. She wasn't interested but the sweetest part about it all was that it wasn't awkward at all. If you have ever been on a mission, or knocked doors for sails you might know what I mean by awkward. It was just so sweet because now I don't rationalize why I shouldn't talk with someone, because when I do that I let satan win in my not sharing the message of the restored gospel. So there is going to be a lot of growth these next 6 weeks while I serve with him. I've been stressing out about a lot, about relationships in the ward, with investigators, with my new companion and with planning successful days. He's helped out a lot and I can't wait to learn more from him and serving with him.
We had a funny OTM the other day when we came out of a less active member's home, this man was walking by and I asked how he was doing and he didn't respond. So I left him alone but Elder Jacobson didn't, he asked how his day was going and he flips us off. Elder Jacobson asked what have we ever done to him and he told us about several "mormons" that he has known his whole life that had screwed him over one way or another. Elder Jacobson asked if the man believed is every body is perfect and he just goes off on us, telling us to get off his property and ranting and raving. All I could think about was how just a few members bad examples had hardened this mans heart towards Christ true Church. Man I really hope none of the dumb things I did growing up affects someone like this. That would be awful!
I did lose the eight pounds; actually I have lost a lot of weight because I go running every morning in our work out gym. I'm really going to miss this place when I get moved because I have really become more fit because of it, which helps out when riding our bikes, we don't get tired so fast.
Man that so exciting that Tyler's going to get interviewed. I can't wait to here and see the growth that will come from his mission. I can't wait to write him letters and share what's going on in our mission life. Speaking of Tyler I got the camera and its case the other day, which is way awesome! Thank you very much for it!! I'll be sending a memory card full of pictures and a cassette tape soon.
Well Mom I love you and the whole family so much! You all have been the best blessing in my life and I can't wait to talk to you all this Christmas! Tell Erin and Megan that I love them and that I will be writing them letters soon, I'm not sure if will get to them this Monday, but next Monday for sure.

Elder David Kelly Conrad

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