Monday, December 22, 2008

Turn the negative around

I love my companion Elder Jacobson. He's helped me grow so much from his example and from making me take charge sometimes. We have set some goals that have pushed us to be better teachers and listeners, which have really helped us out in lessons and with helping people progress toward having faith in Jesus Christ. It also helps when we are with the ward members, we have gained their trust and respect. When we go on exchanges and are waiting for church to start we go around and talk to as many of them as possible and get to know them, which is sweet!

The Jarretts were the first couple that got baptized when I got here and they have been slipping a bit and mission church. So we called and talked to some of the ward members and they have been helping them out with what's been stopping them from coming and got them there this past Sunday. I hope that makes sense. Sorry if it doesn't. It's just so sweet to get to know the ward members, because when I was back at home I never really got to know the elders there in the ward and pray for them by name. By doing so you will help encourage them to become better missionaries and the work will continue to move ahead.

I learned that if I have time to sit and think about my faults and be negative, then I'm missing the point of missonary work. Just recently I have started to think about my investigators in my spare time. I think about what they might need to hear, or a certain lesson they might need. This really helps keep the negative thoughts away because when I'm so focused on others I lose focus on myself and home. I have seen it really bless my area and those we teach because now I'm focused and lsitening to them and what the spirit wants for them.

There is no snow here, but it's been -22 degrees, and out on our bikes it gets even colder. We are supposed to get snow Wednesday I think but when it snows here its more like fog, which is weird, but I'm not complaining. I heard about Tyler becoming an elder, that's so awesome! I can't wait to hear where he is going; I'll have to give you my mission home number so you can call it when he gets it so that I can hear about it sooner than snail mail.

Merry Christmas!

love your son,
Elder David Kelly Conrad

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