Monday, December 15, 2008

Letter of encouragement from dad

Dear Kelly,

I know this may be strange using Mom’s email site. My right thumb is making it hard to write legibly. I am getting pretty good at typing so I thought I would try this. I read Mom’s letter to you and I would concur with her thoughts on your feelings of inadequacies. I too struggle with them frequently. When I get deep into those feelings and thoughts it is very hard to pull out of it. I want to isolate and not be connected to anybody and it is difficult to ask for what I need, especially if I have hurt the person(s) that I need the connection with.

It is difficult to tell yourself you are worthwhile and doing the best you can. As long as you haven’t done anything to chase the spirit away and can turn to God you should do well. Don’t let your fears take over. As a missionary it is a constant challenge to be vigilant and in tune with the spirit. Some days you will be more successful in doing that than others. The key is to keep getting up and trying to follow the spirit. You have already had more successes in these few months than I had in a year. I am very proud of you. Yesterday during sacrament meeting I was looking at the back of the program all the missionaries from our ward. When I saw your name I was overcome with the spirit and started sheddi8ng tears of joy and happiness. I was also humbled at the blessings Heavenly Father has given me through you. Even now tears come to my eyes. I often feel you have grown up and developed a desire to do what is right in spite of me. I am grateful for the good choices you have made in your life.

I hope you will be taken care of for the holidays. It is always nice for the members to take care of the Elders during these times. We all look forward to hearing from you on Christmas Day.

Today we got our first taste of cold and snow. I got up early and drove the roads. School was delayed 2 hours mainly because the wind was blowing pretty good. The wind chill was -9 degrees. We had the usual challenges with getting buses started and keeping them on the road but we got through it. Tonight it will get even colder. I hope Megan and Joe will be able to come this weekend. It is supposed to be like this all week.

Tyler interviewed with the Stake President last Thursday and received the Melchizedick (sp?) Priesthood Sunday night. That was very nice to be able to do that. It is also nice that he has been able to make the progress that he has. He papers should be sent in by now. Awesome!

Keep doing what is right and the Lord will take care of the rest. I love you!

Your Dad

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