Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving of many!

It took all week to get better, but I'm whole now and back to work. I got myself a box of that Emergen-C and have been taking multi-vitamins, which have really helped. I did get the conference talks this past Friday, thanks for sending it.
We got to play football thanksgiving morning with a bunch of non members and members at Tyson practice field, which was very awesome. We were only able to play for 2 hours and only got two games in but they were so fun! Well we lucked out and had only 2 dinner appointments for thanks giving, both at members homes, we had a lot more invitations but we were only able to make it to two of them. The first one was at 1:00 and the next was at 5:00. We went to the Lazartas and watched a movie on Emma Smith while we waited for dinner to cook. So we ate at 2:30, 3:00. They had all the classic thanksgiving food, except for yams, I have never had them before I cam out here, so that was a little different for me. When we get done eating we sit there the table telling them stories from our missions and answering there questions. While my companion is telling a story he unexpectedly yells and straitens out his right leg and tries to stand up, then he yells again and straitens his left leg out! By this time everyone is looking at him thinking "what the heck?" I helped him stand up and he tells us that he is cramping up and stands there yelling as it tightens up on him. It was so funny! He walked it off and everything settled down. Then we went to Brother and Sister Simmons, he is the funniest Philippine man you will ever meet, Tyler will know what I mean when I say he is funnier then Jun. So we start eating and start on seconds and by this time we are stuffed and just ready to pop. Brother Simmon just keeps putting it on my plate telling me that I can't stop eating till he does, telling me that it is a Philippine custom. So by the time he gets done eating I can't take deep breaths or bend my back because of how full I was. Then he brings out desert and it's a huge piece of some kind of cake. Man eating that think felt like an eternity and I thought that I was never going to get through it! I have never been so full in my life! Earlier that morning we all weighed our selves to see who at the end of the day would gain the most, which I gained 8.3 pounds! When I got home all I could do was lie in bed and think of how much I hate food.
Well Elsie and her family (Janet and Joanna) got baptized this past week end! They finally did it and it was so awesome to be apart of it! They have made it past all the trials that come before that huge leap towards Christ!
I'm a little sad this week because we got a call this past Saturday and my companion Elder Harrison is being transferred. I have learned so much from him and hate to see him go. Now I have to face another companion and start all over again with another relationship. But Elder Harrison knows who my new companion will be and says that he is a great Elder, and that he came out with him. His name is Elder Jacobsen; all I know is that he is 5'5'' and that he's way sweat missionary. I'm a little excited for the change, but there are a lot more unknowns now and it's pretty daunting.
So that's awesome that Tyler will be getting out here sooner, I'm so excited for him! That means it will be less then three years that I won't see him! Oh my suit size is 44 and I will be mailing those suits back this Monday or next, depends on if we get to the post office. It's gotten very cold here and has been snowing for the past two days, which looks really pretty, but makes it even colder.
Mom I'm thankful for you and the whole family, I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for the sacrifices made by you and Dad for me. I love you and pray for you always!
Your son
Elder David Kelly Conrad

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